Thursday, January 2, 2014

Julilit gave birth to 4 pups!

Last August 6, 2011, My husband and I went jogging in one of the beautiful lakes in our place. It was a beautiful day and we had fun bonding together.

When we went home, we noticed that Julilit, our mini pinscher, was very agitated. So I immediately opened her dog house. I was surprised because there was something that popped out from her back. She ran fast towards my husband as if she's seeking for help. Then we realized that she's about to give birth!

I texted our friend right away who happened to be the person who gave Julilit as her gift for me. She's not a veterinarian but she's adept in helping dogs in giving birth. After few minutes, she came to our house together with her three daughters. 

After an hour, Julilit gave birth to a black boy pup. We named him as Dayunyor (Junior). Then after several minutes, a brown girl pup bulged out. We named her as Kimi. Then after an hour, after an intense labor, she gave birth to two more puppies. The third one is a black boy named Thirdie and the youngest is a brown girl named Maja.

My husband and I were very happy because we didn't expect her to give us 4 puppies since she's so small.

A big thanks to my friend Lowela and her daughters who extended their helping hand for the safe delivery of our beloved dog. 

Below are some snapshots of Julilit's delivery..

Preparing for her delivery

A pup comes out

Dayunyor, the eldest pup

Kimi, the second pup

Kimi embraces Dayunyor

Julilit licks her third pup, Thirdie

Maja, the youngest pup

Julilit, the proud mother of 4 pups!

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